
Posts Tagged ‘work’

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Life events ebb and flow – and some periods are more challenging than others.

This Thanksgiving I am especially grateful for the blessings that have come our way as my husband and I have been dealing with tough circumstances, in this particular season of our life.

Health – A few weeks ago my husband received an unexpected diagnosis that led him into surgery and a hospital stay. Thankfully, the operation was successful and my husband is looking forward to healthy days ahead.  This situation has certainly reminded both of us that good health is precious and can’t be taken for granted. Some things are out of our control, but we try to do what we can. One change: we are adding green smoothies to our diet. We each had one as part of breakfast today – traditional turkey and pumpkin pie come later.

People – I am always thankful for my family and friends, but never more so than now. We have been literally enveloped with care and love. The connections we have with other people are valuable beyond expression. It is a reminder to be as good a friend to others as they have been to us. I would also like to extend a special call out to the RNs and CNAs at St. John’s Hospital in Maplewood, Minnesota for taking extraordinarily good care of my husband during his stay there.

Purpose – I am thrilled that I will start a new job on Monday – one that looks like it will be a good fit for my qualifications and values. I don’t believe that a person’s identity in life is totally defined by their job, but purposeful employment, an income, and relationships in a positive work environment are all important, and I am happy to have this new role.

As I am grateful for my blessings, it is with a humble heart because there are people who are struggling – with health problems, loss, unemployment, or other problems. I say to them to have hope – this season, too, shall pass. I care, and so do many others.  You are not alone.

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As I wrote in my last posting, I am currently an unemployed job-seeker. Instead of going to a place of employment every day, I go to my computer and check websites for intriguing new job listings.  When I find a good match for my skills and experience, I submit an application.  Then I wait.  Follow-up.  Wait.  Keep looking. Over time, this can be a discouraging state of being, and some of the unemployed give up.

People are often so defined by their work, and get their personal sense of success from it, that it can be a blow to their self-esteem to lose a job.  That is one reason that I am taking action during this temporary out-of-work time to stay connected with people and to keep learning new things.  When I went back to college a few years ago, I discovered that the most rewarding benefit of returning to school is the sense of accomplishment and confidence that comes from it. 

I have been taking writing classes at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis.  One of the classes was The Art of the Blog, and you are reading a result of that class right now.  I am also writing about the travels my husband and I have taken over the years for my current Essays on Journeys class. I also joined a local writing group. This is just another stage of my ongoing midlife transformation. I find that this investment in myself helps to keep me engaged in interests other than just looking for work, and enables me to meet new people with similar interests.   I am confident and enthusiastic about what is going on in my life.  That is not only good for the way I feel about myself now, but I am pretty sure that when the right job comes along, my future employer will pick up on my positive energy and want to hire me.

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