
Posts Tagged ‘reflections’

Happy New Year 2018!

Wishing you a very healthy, loving, peaceful and happy new year.

In keeping my tradition of themes (instead of resolutions or goals with too many rules) for the new year, I am revisiting my topics from last year. Except I gave them teeth and put them on steroids for 2018.

Live in a spirit of love and peace.

Personally… Love more. And show that love. How? I can bake bread and break bread with others, to interact in a warm and comfortable environment. Beyond my circle of friends and family, I will try to be open-minded, understanding and supportive of people whose circumstances are different than my own. And not forget people who are out of my sightlines. (Hello, Puerto Rico!)

Politically… Create peace and wellness. We need to make huge changes in the USA this year. For me that means finding new, progressive candidates to support, joining with like-minded forces, participating in everything available, from caucuses in February to mid-year conventions to an election in November. And I’ll keep doing what I did last year: donating to causes I believe in and sending opinionated emails to my senators and congressional representative.

Eat Healthier

Less sugar, more vegetables. Enough said. Just do it!

Write My Novel

I wanted to finish and publish it in 2017. That didn’t happen, for a good reason. I keep going to classes and workshops – which totally rev me up, I love them – and now I keep revising my manuscript. I’m convinced I’m writing a better book! So, I’ll keep learning and keep writing.

Have more fun and adventure

I’ll keep on doing fun and adventurous things as long as I live.

In previous years I’ve had themes that still carry through to my current life. For example, the theme of Vincent Van Gogh will always be with me. (Did you see the film Loving Vincent? Awesome!) I like to find and create recipes that become part of my cooking repertoire, and I still love swans!

On a final note, Faith Salie offered this take on resolutions inspired by art on the CBS Sunday Morning show. It inspired me! Check it out. And, please, share your comments about the new year. I would love to hear them.

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fortune cookie

Years ago, I received a fortune cookie that I’ve read countless times. It resides in my bathroom, water-spotted and almost unreadable now. But I know what it says:

“Your love of life will carry you through any circumstance.”

Yes, indeed. It has helped me get through some tough situations, inspiring my zest for life. Just a few words that help me feel strong.

What else inspires me?

As a writer, workshops and the people who populate them inspire me. I love that my teachers and fellow students care enough about my writing to provide valuable feedback and suggestions. And so, I continue to work on my first novel.

Young women inspire me. I love their energy and authenticity. Letting their individuality show, accepting themselves and others. Embracing diversity. Making a difference.

Recently, I felt challenged by the task of taking notes and writing minutes for an important meeting. I made too big a deal about it, perhaps, but I fretted over doing it well. Imagine my surprise when, after the fact, I received two phone calls just to tell me what a good job I did! My perspective on the task changed. Well, maybe that wasn’t too bad, and maybe I’ll do it again. Thank you to people who take the extra effort to compliment someone. Hopefully it will inspire me to commend others.

There’s more, of course. But now, I’m wondering: what inspires you?

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In your quest to live a full and rich life, have you considered using meditation, visualization techniques, or guided imagery?

Recently I had an experience in using Interactive Guided Imagery to explore some personal matters. I was assisted by Emmy Vadnais, a Holistic Occupational Therapist & Intuitive Healer. I was in the comfort of my own home. My session took place over the telephone, with dialogue between Emmy and me as I went through this experience.

Emmy’s prompts helped me to relax and reach a meditative state where I could access my intuitive, inner self. With her assistance, I imagined my own guide helping me discover answers to my questions and providing me with self acceptance and support. The Interactive Guided Imagery session helped me to find clarity on what my next steps should be.

OT TrendsBefore meeting Emmy Vadnais, I had an incomplete concept of what being an Occupational Therapist could entail. She recently wrote an article about  Observations and Trends in this field.  In it she notes that some Occupational Therapists are getting trained in and are practicing Holistic Therapies and others are being certified as Life and Health and Wellness Coaches.

“Occupational Therapy is a remarkable profession that assists individuals to live their best lives,” she wrote. “Occupational Therapists believe that we find meaning in our lives through the activities we engage in.”

I salute this helping profession and the individuals who can help us live full lives and realize our dreams!

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